Note: We accept cash, checks or credit cards, however if payment is by credit card there will be an additional 3% charged.
Nucleus hives, or nucs, are small 5 frame colonies made by dividing existing colonies in the early spring. Each nuc is given a queen cell and allowed time to establish itself. When you receive your nuc, it will consist of 5 frames with a combination of brood, honey and pollen. A 5 frame nuc is typically composed of 4 - 5 pounds of bees (~14,000 - ~17,500 bees) and an additional ~17,000 cells of brood in various stages of development. Because there is brood hatching and young bees emerging, a nuc will build up faster than package bees and will need to be transferred to full size colonies as soon as possible. They will usually be ready for a second brood box within two weeks of installation. Nucs should be fed until all frames in the first and second brood chamber are drawn out or in all three brood chambers if using Illinois/medium boxes.
If your pickup is in the evening, the entrance is closed when you arrive. If your pickup is in the morning, we close the entrance the evening before. For morning pickups, you need to arrive between 7:30AM to 9AM. For evening pickups, you need to arrive between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM. The nucs will be in a reusable plastic Pro Nuc box.
Currently scheduled pickup dates begin in early to mid April but are subject to change due to inconsistencies in Spring weather. Pick up date preference is first come, first served. You will be notified by email when the nucs are available for pickup. The email you receive from SignUp Genius will give you information as to what days the nucs can be picked up and you will be able to schedule a pickup date and timel.
5 frame Nucs with an Italian VSH queen are $205.00 each.
Extra South Carolina VSH Queens are available for pick up or shipment for $38.00 each.
Ordering: See item 1 in the Details Section below.
If the queen is dead in your nuc we will replace the queen.
Please Note: We are unable to ship nucs, however we can ship SC queens to you via Express Mail or Overnight.
Other Terms and Conditions