Queens are scheduled for pick up with our package bees from Hardeman Apiaries in Mount Vernon Georgia.
We will contact you via email when we know the exact pickup date. We typically notify you 7 to 10 days prior to the date. Queen bee pickups are scheduled by an email notice from an application called SignUp Genius. Through the application you will be able to select a day and time slot to pickup your queen(s).
Italian queens are $31.00 each and Hybrid Russian queens are $34.00 each. The pickup date is subject to change due to inconsistencies in Spring weather.
We will also have Italian queens available from our nuc supplier in North Carolina for $38.00 each. These will be available for pickup when the nucs are delivered to us in early to mid-April.
Shipping cost for USPS Priority Express Postage: 1 - 7 queens will fit in a mailer for $7.00- 10.00 + insurance or you may pick up your queen(s) when notified.
Package Bees & Queens are currently scheduled for pick April 9, 2025.
To Place an Order
1. Ordering: Email SnydersApiaries@zoominternet.net or call us at 410-329-6671 with your nuc, package bee or queen order. Please include your address and telephone number in your email. We will email you an order confirmation at the time of your order.
2. Payment: Full payment is due when your order is placed. Cancellations: Queen orders cancelled 2 weeks prior to pick up/mailing will be refunded the purchase price. If cancelling after 2 weeks prior to pick up/mailing then no refund will be made UNLESS we can resell the queen(s).
3. Returns & Refunds: There are no returns or refunds once the customer picks up the queen(s) at our White Hall location or they have been shipped.
4. Additional Orders: Need additional equipment when you pick up your bees? Placing an order, a week or so prior to your pickup date ensures it's ready for you when you get here!
Other Terms and Conditions
1. The customer understands and acknowledges that honey bees are living creatures and are perishable. Snyder’s Apiaries will not be responsible or liable for loss of queen(s) due to overheating, swarming or neglect once they are received by the customer. It is the responsibility and duty of the customer to ensure that a queen or queens are kept cool and out of direct sun until they are installed in hives.
2. Beekeeping is a form of agriculture and is subject to the whims of Mother Nature. Snyder’s Apiaries will do its best to deliver the bees on time; however, unfavorable weather may prevent us from doing so. Should there be a change in delivery dates, we will contact you.