Package Bees

Package Bees - 2025 Information

Note: We accept cash, checks or credit cards, however if payment is by credit card there will be an additional 3% charged.
    Package Bees & Early Queens

Packages consist of 3 pounds of bees, approximately 10,000 bees, in a screened cage, with a laying queen in a separate cage. Also included is a can of syrup to provide food for the bees during transport. The packages come from Hardeman’s Apiary, in Mount Vernon, Georgia. They are transported directly by truck, arriving at Snyder’s Apiaries soon after packaging. Package bees are an economical and effective means of starting a beehive. The tentative pickup date is April 9th. The pickup date is subject to change due to inconsistencies in spring weather. We will contact you via email when we know the actual pickup date.

3# Package bees with an Italian queen are $143.00, packages with a Russian hybrid queen are $146.00.

Early queens are available from our package bee supplier for requeening colonies or doing splits. Italian queens are $31.00 each and Russian hybrid queens are $34.00 each.

Ordering: See item 1 in the Details Section below.

If the queen supplied with your package bees is dead, we will have a limited supply of replacement queens available for this eventuality. 
If we have depleted the supply of replacement queens, we will give you the contact information for our package bee supplier and they will mail a replacement queen directly to you. This allows for your receipt of a replacement queen in a timelier fashion.

Please Note: We are unable to ship package bees, however we can ship early queens to you via Express Mail or Overnight.

  1. Ordering: Email or call us at 410-329-6671 with your name, address, phone number and email address nuc, package bee or queen order. We will email you an order confirmation and payment instructions at the time of your order.
  2. Payment: Full payment is due when your order is placed. Cancellations: Bee orders cancelled before March 25th will be refunded the purchase price of the package or nuc. If cancelling after March 25th, then no refund will be made UNLESS we can resell the package or nuc to another customer.
  3. Returns & Refunds: There are no returns or refunds once the customer accepts their nuc, package bees, or queens at our White Hall location.
  4. Additional Orders: Need additional equipment when you pick up your bees? Placing an order, a week or so prior to your pickup date ensures it's ready for you when you get here!
Other Terms and Conditions
  1. The customer understands and acknowledges that package bees and nucs contain living creatures and are perishable. Snyder’s Apiaries will not be responsible or liable for loss of bees or nucs due to overheating, swarming or neglect once they are received by the customer. It is the responsibility and duty of the customer to ensure that package bees and nucs are kept cool and out of direct sun until they are installed in hives.
  2. Beekeeping is a form of agriculture and is subject to the whims of Mother Nature. Snyder’s Apiaries will do its best to deliver the bees on time; however, unfavorable weather may prevent us from doing so. Should there be a change in delivery dates, we will contact you.

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